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Local Business
We promote local businesses!
Book Online
Book your fun night right here!
Hang out with your friends and expand your network!
We are people driven!
Going places.
Join us for our launch party Aug 25th at the Rayleigh Underground.
Get a ticket for $20 & enjoy a free drink & DJ!
Our Services
Finding social events
Use Sort to plan and attend events together.
Give back to your community through volunteering
New Activities
Try new activities you would not have heard about.
Sort helps you engage the community
by promoting events with your friends and family more people can enjoy events together.
You can create or join events and share them to different calendars so only certain groups can see. Share event details with your friends with a link to have them join. Find new activities in the venue section so you are never bored.
“What Sort does is simply incredible – it brings people together in the way they were meant to be. By celebrating.”
Tanish Garg
Why Choose Us
Community driven
Sort’s driven by the people. Choose and plan your events and direct them in calendars of your choice.
Sort will throw experiences you have never thought of doing in your face so you can try.
What we do
Sort is rooted at reviving our users’ social nature. Social media detracts from experiencing the world and our goal is to help you engage the world when you have free time and don’t want to doom scroll.